Minor whites printing techniques are on par Ansel Adam, who he assisted. His beautiful infrared landscapes, black blacks and white whites show how masterful he is at the darkroom. Also a poet ,ill finish this post with a quote " a very receptive state of mind...not unlike a sheet of film itself - seemingly inert, yet so sensitive that a fraction of a second's exposure conceives a life in it. "- Minor White,
From the director of '21 grams' and 'babel' Alejandro Gonzalez IƱarritu is the story of Uxbal, a father of two who discovers he has only a few months to live. Set in the slums of Barcelona, Uxbal has to ensure that his children are safe after he goes. Their mother, a manic alcoholic, is unable to care for them so Uxbal does a strange variety of work to provide for his family such as using his gift of speaking to the dead and helping illegal immigrants find work. the story is a sad commentary on the human condition has a haunting beauty and visually is Beautiful.